Fruit flies are one of the world’s most destructive horticultural pests and pose risks to a wide range of commercial fruit and vegetable crops. The male annihilation technique (MAT) uses a simple concept of placing a large enough number of semiochemical devices in a specific area to attract and kill enough males to leave the females of the species without mates.
Targeted insect:
Bactrocera dorsalis (Oriental fruit fly)
PheroMAT™ is our male annihilation technique (MAT) device, designed specifically to target male Oriental fruit flies, particularly on mangoes.
PheroMAT™ uses compressed fibreboard blocks (50 mm x 50 mm x 12.7 mm), impregnated with a male Oriental fruit fly attractant (methyl eugenol), combined with a contact insecticide (malathion).
Application per hectare for the suppression of Oriental fruit fly within an orchard
Application rate / hectare