Used for Marula fruit fly, Natal and Mediterranean fruit fly.
Capilure Red PheroLure® only attracts male Fruit flies.
Questlure Green PheroLure® mainly attracts female Fruit flies.
Three Fruit fly species are known to attack subtropical crops in Southern Africa, namely the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitate (Wiedemann); the Natal fruit fly, Ceratitisrosa (Karsch); and the Marula fruit fly, Ceratitis cosyra (Walker). All three species are indigenous to Africa. Ceratitis capitata occurs in many countries of the world, while Ceratitisrosa occurs only in Africa, Mauritius and Reunion. Ceratitis cosyra is restricted to Africa.
The Sensus Trap is a dry trap used for the monitoring of male and female Fruit flies. The trap consists of two main parts: a blue lid and a transparent bucket. Different lure capsules are used to attract male or female fruit flies, or both, and to kill them upon entering the trap.
Sold separately
Ento Park, 9 Industria Street, New Industrial Area, Tzaneen, Limpopo, South Africa 0850
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