Cosmopolites sordidus

Other common names: banana root borer; piesangworterlboorder (A); broca-da-bananiera, gorgulho-da-bananeira (P)

Authors: E.A. de Villiers, P.S. Schoeman, M.S. Daneel. Text extracted with permission from the editors from: Prinsloo, G.L. & Uys, V.M (Eds) 2015. Insects of Cultivated Plants and Natural Pastures in Southern Africa. Entomological Society of Southern Africa. Buy the book.


The banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus, which was originally described from Java, is native to southeast Asia and is found virtually throughout the banana producing regions of the world. It is also widespread in West, Central, East and southern Africa and was first recorded in South Africa in the early 1970’s.

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